rainwater harvesting

Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Explained

We have curated this video for you, to briefly introduce and explain the rooftop rainwater harvesting filter and injection well system, using simple graphic art. Skip the rest of this text and go to the video below.

Our country is hurtling towards a severe water crisis, and we are not prepared. Can you imagine having to complete your daily chores without running tap-water for several days? Or having to depend on the mercies of water tanker companies? That, in fact, may be the situation we’re heading for. But we don’t have to worry.

There is a simple solution in your hands – the Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Filter. This is how the Filter Method works. During the monsoons, rainwater that collects on the rooftops simply drains away and is lost as surface run-off. But with this system, rainwater from the rooftop, along with leaves and debris, passes through downtake pipes and flows through the filter. The cleaned water enters the underground storage tank, and can be used for all domestic needs. The excess water passes from the tank and recharges your dead borewells for future use. A season of average rainfall on a rooftop of 1000 sq ft will provide 75K to 1 lakh litres of water i.e. 100 days of water for the needs for the domestic needs of a family of 4.

Another method for RRWH is the Injection Well System. This is the most beneficial technique for gated communities and large apartment building to ensure constant supply of groundwater. Rainwater from the rooftop passes through the stormwater drain into the injection borewell, and recharges the groundwater aquifers. Because of this process we are once again able to get water from our existing borewells. A season of average rainfall on a rooftop of 10,000 sq ft will provide 8 to 10 lakh litres of water for the domestic needs of an apartment building of 50 flats.

Simply put, your rooftop can give you a reliable supplementary source of water, improve the quality of groundwater, and save the money you spend on water tankers!

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